Stuck Mixer Jar? Try This Quick Trick to Get It Moving!

Rajat Verma

Stuck Mixer Jar? Try This Quick Trick to Get It Moving!

As the festive season approaches, the excitement of preparing a variety of delectable dishes begins to fill the air. A mixer grinder becomes an essential kitchen appliance during this time, enabling smooth preparation of ingredients. However, it’s not uncommon to face issues with the mixer jar blades getting stuck and failing to rotate. In this article, we’ll explore quick and effective hacks to fix stuck blades in your mixer and keep your festive cooking seamless.

Understanding the Mixer Grinder Components

Before delving into solutions, it’s important to understand the basic components of a mixer grinder and how they function.

Component Function
Blades Mince, grind, and blend the ingredients.
Base Houses the motor, providing the necessary power to operate the blades.
Jar Container that holds the ingredients being processed.
Lid Seals the jar to prevent spills while blending.

Common Reasons Why Mixer Blades Get Stuck

1. Food Particles Build-up

Over time, remnants of food can accumulate around the blade area, preventing it from rotating smoothly.

2. Incorrect Assembly

If the jar is not properly attached to the base, the blades might not engage correctly, causing them to jam.

3. Overloading the Jar

Packing too many ingredients into the jar can hinder the blades’ movement, leading to stagnation.

Quick Fixes for Stuck Mixer Blades

1. Clean the Blades

Begin by unplugging the mixer. Carefully remove the jar and examine the blades. Use a small brush or cloth to clean any food particles stuck around the blades. Rinse with warm water and dry thoroughly before reassembling.

2. Check Assembly

Ensure that the jar is screwed onto the base securely. If it feels loose or unstable, realign the jar and twist it into position.

3. Reduce Load

If you’re planning to blend large quantities, consider separating the mixture into smaller batches. This allows the blades to spin freely and efficiently.

4. Use a Lubricant

If the blades remain stubbornly stuck even after cleaning, a few drops of food-safe lubricant can help ease their movement. Apply it sparingly and rotate the blades manually.

Preventive Measures for Future Use

To ensure your mixer blades continue to function smoothly, consider the following tips:

  • Regularly clean your mixer grinder after each use to prevent build-up.
  • Avoid overloading the jar to obviate strain on the blades.
  • Check your appliance for any damages or wear and tear from time to time.


Maintaining a fully-functioning mixer grinder is crucial, especially during the busy festive season. By understanding possible issues and implementing the quick fixes and preventive measures discussed, you can ensure that your mixer remains a reliable kitchen companion. Enjoy your cooking and create memorable culinary experiences this festive season!

Rajat Verma

Designation: Editor-in-Chief Education: M.A. in Journalism and Mass Communication, Delhi University Bio: Rajat Verma is a seasoned journalist with over 15 years of experience in digital media. He has worked with some of the top news organizations in India, leading editorial teams and spearheading innovative content strategies. Rajat is passionate about investigative journalism and is committed to maintaining the highest standards of editorial integrity at India Rag. Email: [email protected]