Articles for tag: 7th pay commission, 7th Pay Commission DA Hike, AICPI Index Latest Update, AICPI Numbers June to November 2024, Central Government Employee, Central Government Employees, Central Government Employees DA, DA Calculation 2025, DA hike, DA Hike 2025, DA Increase for Govt Employees, Dearness Allowance, Dearness Allowance January 2025, Expected DA from January 2025, Government Announcement, government employees, Holi 2025, Inflation Impact on DA, inflation rate, Pensioners, Pensioners DA Hike 2025, salary hike

Rajiv Sharma

DA Increase: Government to Announce Hike on March 5 for 10 Million Employees and Pensioners

DA Increase: Government to Announce Hike on March 5 for 10 Million Employees and Pensioners

DA Hike Update: केंद्र सरकार 5 मार्च को महंगाई भत्ता बढ़ाने का ऐलान कर सकती है। आने वाले बुधवार को कैबिनेट की बैठक होगी। अगर पिछले सालों का रिकॉर्ड पर नजर डालें तो सरकार ने साल की शुरुआत में बढ़ने वाले महंगाई भत्ते (Dearness Allowance - DA) को होली से पहले बढ़ाने की घोषणा की